Join in on the fun with our second annual Rockport Celtic Festival pub-less Pub Sing! Led by our very own local Sea Chantey star David Coffin, this event brings together music lovers from various backgrounds to raise the rafters as the spirit of the Rockport Festival leaves the theater and resonates through the town. This is a FREE event but last year was standing room only so get there early to ensure a space!

NOTE: There will be no refreshments offered (i.e. drinks) at this pub-less Pub Sing. 

Free, no reservations required.
Location: Old Sloop Coffeehouse, First Congregational Church, Rockport

Maeve Gilchrist, artistic director
September 12-15, 2024

In partnership with Rockport Music, Edinburgh-born harpist/composer Maeve Gilchrist proudly presents the 5th annual Rockport Celtic Festival celebrating new and old music from Scotland to Scandinavia! As always, the Festival features an extraordinary variety of new and familiar musicians, singers and storytellers.



Thank you to our Rockport Celtic Festival Corporate Partners!